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Understanding the 3-phase Broiler Feed Program: Starter, Grower, Finisher

The key to plump, healthy broilers lies in a strategic feeding program. This article breaks down the essential 3-step feed plan to help your chickens thrive from chick to harvest. Just like humans, chickens have different nutritional needs at different stages of their lives. The 3-step program tailors their diet to maximize growth and efficiency: 

    • Purpose: This finely ground feed is formulated with high protein (20-24%) to fuel rapid early growth and development. It also includes essential vitamins and minerals for strong bones and immune systems.
    • Feeding: Offer ad libitum (free-choice) access, ensuring chicks have fresh water available at all times.
    • Purpose: As chicks enter their growth phase, their protein needs decrease slightly (16-20%). Grower pellets are larger and promote digestive health while continuing to support muscle development and overall growth.
    • Feeding: Continue ad libitum access. Monitor feed intake and adjust as needed to prevent wastage.
    • Purpose: Finisher pellets contain a balanced mix of protein (14-18%), energy, and nutrients to optimize weight gain and flesh quality before processing.
    • Feeding: Continue ad libitum access. Monitor feed intake and adjust as needed to prevent wastage.
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